The Wellesley Recreation Department has offered dog training classes for many years now. I started teaching here in January 2012. Classes are held seasonally winter, spring, summer and fall.
The cost of a 6 week class is just $260. You can register online. If you have any questions, please call 781-235-2370 or stop by the Warren Building at 90 Washington Street (Route 16) in Wellesley. Register on or before noon the Thursday prior to class to insure the class will run.
A four dog minimum is required to have a class. The maximum number of puppies per class is ten and dogs is eight. Most classes have 5-7 puppies or dogs enrolled.
Classes take place in the gymnasium on the second floor and one flight or an elevator ride up from the back entrance from the parking lot.
Please wear comfortable shoes that will not scuff the gymnasium floor.
Please bring proof of vaccinations to the first class.
Bring plenty of puppy or dog food along with yummy treats and a favorite toy to each class.
Please do not feed your dog before coming to class.
All family members are encouraged to participate. Children under 12 years of age require an extra parent to supervise so not to interrupt the flow of class.
Winter 2024 Session 1:
Puppy Kindergarten 6:30-7:20pm Mondays, TBA
Dog Obedience 1 7:30-8:20pm Mondays, TBA
Winter 2024 Session 2:
Puppy Kindergarten 6:30-7:20pm Mondays, TBA
Dog Obedience 1 7:30-8:20pm Mondays, TBA
Spring 2024 Session 1:
Puppy Kindergarten 6:30-7:20pm Mondays, TBA
Dog Obedience 1 7:30-8:20pm Mondays, TBA
Create the dog of your dreams! This six week class for puppies under five months of age on the first day of class is a life preparation class designed to teach puppy guardians how to address everyday situations now so to prevent behavior problems later. Learn exactly how to respond to puppy nipping, jumping, inability to be left alone, fearfulness, etc. Please bring your puppy, puppy food and treats and proof of vaccinations to the first class.
Love your dog but not all of his behavior? In this six week class for dogs over five months of age, you will learn how to solve the challenges you have at home and out and about. Your dog will learn to respond to your direction rather than jump on your visitors; walk at your side; come when called and more. You will learn to read dog body language to better advocate for your dog, other dogs and people in social settings. This is not a class for reactive or aggressive dogs. Please bring your dog, treats and proof of vaccinations to the first class.
Do you have goals for your dog? Canine Good Citizen or Therapy Dog? This fun yet challenging five week class is for dogs that have already attended Dog Obedience 1 or an equivalent foundation class beyond Puppy Kindergarten. Take your training to a new level of reliability while working on leave it, heel, recalls and stays under heavy distractions for use in real life applications. Specific skills will be added to the curriculum to help you reach your goals. Please bring your dog, dog food and treats and proof of vaccinations to the first class.
To register, please call 781-235-2370. Bring proof of vaccinations with you to the first class and puppy or dog food and treats with you to every class. All dogs must be wearing a flat ID collar with tags and on a 6 foot nylon or leather leash. No flexi-leashes, please. You must wear shoes appropriate for the gymnasium floor.