Reactive Dog Program
Does your dog’s temper flare upon sight of another dog near or far, just across the street or approaching head on? If your dog is one that barks, growls, and lunges at dogs, your dog is referred to by dog trainers as a reactive dog.
My reactive dog seminar is on hold until further notice. To get my help with your reactive dog, please Schedule A Comprehensive On-Site Behavior Consultation.
This seminar is a leave your dog at home, for people only educational session for owners of dogs that bark, growl, lunge and bite or fight with other dogs while on the leash. In this seminar, we will briefly discuss details about your dog’s development of reactivity issues so that I can ascertain whether your dog is a candidate for classes or better served in private lessons.
Note: If you prefer private lessons, please do not register for this seminar. Instead, contact me via my contact form.
The introductory class consists of three one-hour long group classes and is designed to get you started in the ongoing program. Just a three class commitment allows you to assess whether the class environment is the right place for you and your dog. Once you have completed three classes, you can continue training however, I require that you commit to my six week ongoing rowdy rovers classes.
Where is the sign up button? There isn’t one. I will invoice you directly through my paypal account or you may pay by check or cash. To gain access to my rowdy rovers classes, you must either attend a reactive dog seminar or meet for a comprehensive in-home behavior consultation. No exceptions. This is how I keep dogs and people safe in my classes.
What is the cost? My fee for this class is $150 payable via paypal invoicing. There are NO REFUNDS as you are reserving a space in a small class with a maximum of four dogs.
These outdoor classes meet bright and early only on Saturday mornings and run spring through late fall or early winter, weather permitting. I offer rowdy rovers ongoing as drop in classes so that you don’t have to give up the rest of your life in order to be making progress with your reactive dog AND you can continue to come so to maintain the progress you make.
Because I offer these classes with flexibility for you in mind, there are NO REFUNDS. A class includes six one hour group sessions. You must attend the six classes within a twelve week period. This is my firm policy with no exceptions.
What is the cost? My fee for this class is $300 payable via paypal invoicing. There are NO REFUNDS as you are reserving a space in a small class wit ha maximum or four dogs.
What Others Say
We adopted Boone, a pit bull mix, from a high kill shelter in NY. He was in a foster home with other dogs and did really well when he met our other dog, Maddie. So, we were certainly surprised when during our first walk as a new family in the neighborhood, he tried to inhale a Pomeranian. We were not prepared for his level of reactivity towards other dogs. To further complicate the picture, Boone is completely deaf, limiting our ability to communicate effectively with him. Knowing that we would need professional help, I began searching online for dog trainers who specialize in this issue.
I came across Vera’s website and saw that she had a class for dogs with this specific issue, the Rowdy Rovers. I called her up and we had a lengthy conversation about Boone. In that first conversation, I knew we had found the right trainer. She has a deaf dog herself and even though we weren’t a client yet, she gave us some techniques to try with him immediately.
We have been participating in Vera’s reactive dog program for one year. In the beginning Boone was a lunging, barking, intimidating beast whenever he saw another dog, chomping his jaws like a crocodile. He has progressed so much in this past year. He can walk parallel to another dog, the lunging and barking has been eliminated, and when he does sometimes “lose his marbles” he recovers quickly. Vera takes great care to understand each dog’s specific needs and has given us new tools to communicate with him more effectively. She has also created a sense of community for those of us in the class. It’s a blessing to have people who “get it” when your dog is misbehaving.
You have to give her a lot of credit. It’s a crazy but creative idea to have a (well-structured) class with a bunch of dogs together who would consider eating each other as a means to their rehabilitation. But it works!
Tom and Jen Clackett
East Boston