If your dog . . . . . . . .
Gets into fights with dogs?
Lunges at dogs or people while on leash?
Destroys your belongings, tries to escape, OR, paces, whines and drools when left alone?
Exhibits fearful responses to everyone and everything?
Protects toys, food and other objects from you?
Threatens to bite or has already bitten you, a visitor or another family member?
Eliminates in the house? Barks all day?
. . . . . . . . the help you need is here.

What To Expect From A Dog Behavior Consultation
In keeping with my first things first principle, I require that you have, at least, discussed your dog’s behavioral problem(s) with your veterinarian. It is essential that s/he is aware of the issues so to rule out a possible medical cause before we meet.
Prior to our first appointment, I will gather information from you about your dog’s behavior and more. During this initial 1.5 – 2 hour consultation, I will assess your dog’s behavior and outline a behavior modification plan. We will work with your dog during this first session so that you will know how to handle the situations that arise daily.
While some dog behavior problems can be resolved in one or two sessions, most require more time. We will likely work together for several sessions. My fee for this session includes thirty days of support via phone and email. Subsequent one hour private lessons are available as single sessions and in discounted prepaid packages of three and six sessions. Payment is accepted in advance via Paypal or by check or cash at the time services are provided. You must sign a waiver of liability and agree to abide by my cancellation policy.
What Are My Services & Fees?
Comprehensive Online Dog Behavior Consultation Via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype: $195 prepaid, scheduled in advance, lasting between 1.5 – 2 hours.
Comprehensive In-Home Dog Behavior Consultation: $300 – $350 (depending on your location) scheduled in advance and lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours.
Comprehensive On-Site Dog Behavior Consultation: $250 prepaid, scheduled in advance, lasting between 1.5 – 2 hours available on Saturdays and Sundays in Brookline.
To make a plan, contact me via my contact form any time or
TEXT 617-803-4086 during Business Hours Wednesday through Friday.
~ Linda Aronson DVM, Pet Shrink, Berlin, MA
~ Jim and ‘Ripley’ (Australian Shepherd) Weston, MA