Take Just One Class To Jumpstart Training OR Make It A Program With A Series Of Classes To Prevent Problems Before They Start.
Group classes meet for one hour once weekly at the same time and on the same day of the week for three, four or six consecutive weeks. A group class typically has three to five students and never has more than eight handler-dog teams learning side by side. Puppy foundation and family dog classes are held year round on Sunday mornings in Brookline and seasonally on Monday evenings in Wellesley. Each of my trio of Dog Training Tuneups, aka DIY bootcamps, begin inside on Sundays and then move outside on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. My Rowdy Rovers classes take place Saturday mornings in a variety of outdoor locations around Boston as season and weather permit.
While puppies and people can learn a great deal in puppy kindergarten, it is rare that one class will set dogs and people up for success for a lifetime. I added the ‘make it a program’ option because many people take just one puppy or dog class thinking it’s all they need. Training is the single most important ‘to do’ in preventing behavior problems from developing later.
Group classes are cost effective compared to private lessons and provide the opportunity for both socialization and training through distractions not always available during private lessons. A program provides both people and dogs with a complete education as puppies and young dogs move through developmental stages on the way to becoming adult dogs. Classes take place indoors in the early learning phases and then move outside to the real world to apply training whether on the street or trails; at vet clinics or pet stores; in local parks or your neighborhood.

Class Locations
Brookline Dog Training Classes
No Bones About It, a dog daycare, grooming and retail business located at 1786 Beacon Street in Brookline, is my home base. I’ve taught classes here for nearly 15 years and have taken advantage of the wonderful opportunity that this location offers for both indoor and outdoor training. All parking is free on Sundays.
Puppy Foundation 1 & 2 and Family Dog 1 & 2 classes take place here only on Sundays, morning through midday. Occasional special events and dog behavior education seminars are held in the evenings. Pre-Registration and Proof of Vaccinations is required.

Wellesley Dog Training Classes
The Wellesley Recreation Department sponsors low cost puppy and dog training classes for residents and non-residents. Classes are held in the gymnasium on the second floor at the Warren Building at 90 Washington Street (Route 16) Wellesley, MA 02482. All parking is free.
Puppy Kindergarten and Dog Obedience always meet on Monday evenings. Classes are generally small and never more than ten handler/dog teams. Pre-Registration and Proof of Vaccinations is required.