Training A Puppy Is About Delayed Gratification

Seriously! Training your puppy can reap rewards for you and your family for 15 or more years and is about the well-being of not just you and your dog but that of everyone who comes in contact with your dog. I frequently say in my puppy foundation class that training a...

What To Do With Your Dog This 4th of July?

The first need-to-know detail about the 4th of July holiday? Dogs go missing more often during this holiday than any other time of year.  With good reason I might add! When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. In a dog’s mind, the whole world has suddenly...

Is Your Dog Afraid of Thunderstorms?

It’s easy to see when a dog has ‘issues’ with thunderstorms. It’s not so easy to help them before, during and after. Many dogs have become so sensitized to thunderstorms that they won’t go outside hours before to days after a storm. While there is a range of behavior...

Games with Dogs

What can playing games with dogs TEACH dogs about people? What can playing games with dogs TEACH people about dogs and dog behavior? The good news is A LOT and playing games with your dog doesn’t have to break your energy bank or your real bank. Dogs, like people,...