
On April 20 & May 5, 2012, I coached twelve year old Ben Cohen of Brookline while working with his dog Jessie filming a segment of Arthur PBS Kids TV show on WGBH TV. Our show first went on air in the fall of 2013 as the Season 18 opening episode. It is educational and highlights child and dog safety, the benefits of training a dog, positive reinforcement dog training and briefly covers some special considerations for helping rescue dogs like Lucky to settle into a new family and way of life. Jessie joined the Cohen family as a puppy whereas Lucky was already 2 plus years of age and was literally rescued from a highway while a family member was on vacation in Florida.

On July 3, 2007, I filmed a segment of Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman children’s show on WGBH TV. The challenge I accepted was to work with a child and dog unknown to me and to transform the two into an agility team ready to compete in a trial all in ‘one day’. Twelve year old DJ and his family dog, Onyx, a miniature pinscher faired especially well when Dad joined the team. After doing some training– desensitization and counter-conditioning to the camera and camera crew– Onyx proved to be a natural agility dog! He was motivated by the cheers of the crowd as he ran the course with a 20 foot tunnel, chute, jumps, tire, dog walk and weave poles.